Having worked with Andre and Dimitri for 5 years whilst at Francisan Vineyards a pleasure to read your article

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This was a real treat to read, RC - thanks so much for sharing! BV's Georges de Latour Cab Sauv is still my benchmark for top quality Cali Cab Sauv - one of many enduring legacies with which this titan of the industry blessed us. Thanks again!!

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Thanks, Dave, for you and me both!

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superb pic with my old dear friend and MW 'The Count' John Salvi! Good stuff about Andre. I met him first in 1973 at a lunch at BV with Legh Knowles, but then lost track, and never really got to know him better or talk with him again before his passing. Dorothy, his wife, OTOH, I got to know pretty well... You should see some of his old notes on harvests, wine etc that I have from the BV archives. All those years ago, one of Andre's most 'fun' things to make, as he noted way back was the "Burgundy". And tasting 20 years a bunch of them from the late 40's to early 60's, they were special, and very much more indicative of what kind of wine Napa Valley then was capable of producing and noted for.


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Thanks for the additional memories, Joel!

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Thanks for sharing your wonderful accounts from the Master himself. I once was fortunate to meet Mr. Tchelistcheff at an ASEV potluck gathering at UCD one evening. Such a wonderful inspiration to all of us there, and couldn't have been more generous with his time and wisdom!

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